Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sooo.... I didnt miss my flight, but I did...

So I get to the airport and go to print my boarding pass, and the lady said I was too late. Boarding was about to begin and I wouldnt get through in time. So she said she was going to get me on the next flight out, which would have been sunday at 7 am. So she does her thing and prints up a boarding pass.. I was pretty bummed about having missed my flight and I just kinda glanced at it and ran back outside to try and catch my family before they got too far.. Doop doop, about a half hour later Im back at my brothers and decided to look up the flight info to be sure... TURNS OUT I DIDNT MISS THE FLIGHT TO BEGIN WITH, THE BOARDING PASS WAS FOR MY ORIGINAL FLIGHT!! So i freak out, try calling the airlines and get this giant runaround. So I borrow my brothers car and decide to go down to the airport and deal with someone in person. Mind you, both my brother and sister in law were kinda leery about letting me go. They were afraid I would go ape shit and get But I go down there, wait in line for a while and tell my tale of woe to the ticket lady and after a bit of asking around, she sets me up with the next flight out.. No charge.. I was so happy I almost cried. I was ready to have to fight up a storm due to the fact that it was a US Airways lady that had made the ticket mistake in the first pace, but I was told to go to United Airlines cuz they were the original ticket seller... 4 hours later, I have my new ticket and am supposed to get to sleep soon.. The lady was so nice, she asked if I was gonna have to sleep at the airport or if I had a place to go.. I was tempted to just sleep there, but Ill just wake up super early. :))))) I get to go back to Portland !!

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